Back Again

So here we are again, it’s literally been years since I’ve posted and I’m back. I definitely want to be able to blog more consistently and want to rebuild the space that I’ve once had on here. So much has changed, life has become so new and different. I’m a Mom to a 5 year old (who’s lost his two front teeth within the past week and starting grade one on Tuesday- time flies) and I’m a full time entrepreneur! So much I want to share with y’all so stay tuned!

P.s check out this flick with my lil guy & I. Hubby takes the best pics




I’m not sure if anyone else has these water phases but I randomly go through days, sometimes weeks where I crave water constantly. I personally prefer Nestle Pure Life brand of bottled water I hate Aquafina and Dasani- is it just me or do those two taste unfiltered and heavy? (yuck). I drink about 5/6 500ml bottles per day and its great for my body and my skin. What are some unusual cravings you have? Comment and let me know what yours are…

Rajid’s First Beach Day


Hey Guys!
So Rajid is loving Jamaica, the weather, playing with all his lil cousins and most of all the food lol. Since his birth he’s loved water and I’ve been so excited to take him to the beach we finally went this week to Fort Clarence (Portmore) and he loved it. Just to see his lil face in all that water slashing and playing in the sand. The weather wasn’t that great that day and the water was a bit rough. Other than that I can’t wait to take him back!!

Mother’s Day Thoughts


Yesterday I celebrated my very first mother’s day and it was such a sureal feeling. Although my son is almost 6 months (times flying) I still have moments where I can’t believe I’m a mother….I can’t belive God has blessed me and given me the ability to bring another life into this world. As I reflect I realize that becoming a mother has brought me so far. I’ve learned so much about myself while learning and getting to understand my son. I gave birth to him and in some ways it has been a rebirth in my own life and within myself. The love I feel when I look at my son is a new and deeper love each and everytime…Its really difficult for me to explain all I know is that I am extremely extremely blessed to have my son and for him to be simply perfect. Being a mother is the hardest yet easiest thing I’ve ever had to do and every moment is worth it. I want to wish a Happy Mothers day to all my Mama readers and my own mother on this special day, as well as to all the women who struggle with infertility…the road is a long road ahead but the sun always rises in the morning.

(Pictured: My son and I shortly before Mothers Day Dinner at my house)

My Greatest Blessing!

On November 28th 2012, After over 48 hours of labour I gave birth to my perfect baby boy, Rajid. The moment I saw him my life changed forever. Becoming a Mother is single handedly the most incredible event of my life. Although my son was born over 5 weeks premature and his hospital stay after his birth was disappointing to say the least I wouldn’t change it for the world. Love at its finest!


